
In this assignment, we were supposed to use tableau, python, d3, and gephi to create various visualization by operating on any dataset of our choice. The dataset used for tableau, python(data visualization), and d3 is the same to show the differences in the method/ process of visualization and also to understand the difficulty in using GUI and programming for visualization.

Therefore after going through all the visualization we can conclude that Tableau gives us a lot of visualization options that only require us to place rows and columns from our data in the GUI and we get the results. On the other hand, doing the same in python and d3 requires a lot of programming fluency. Creating a simple bar graph requires us to first check if the data set includes any NULL values or not which were removed just by a click of a button in Tableau.

Now comparing the two programming languages conclusion can be made that d3 is challenging as it requires a good understanding of objects and selection of objects in javascript whereas python code can be understood much more easily. However, d3 is much superior in creating more interactive visualization which is more straightforward.

Finally, Gephi is a great tool for Network visualization but the most challenging part of using Gephi is data collection in the correct format. eg: If data is collected using the API of any social media website it will require some processing in python to convert it to .gexf. It includes converting the data structure to nodes and edges format.