Text Visualization


For text visualization we have used matplotlib, wordcloud, numpy using them will create word clouds for text analysis.


The data being used for the analysis consists of speeches of PM Narendra Modi and ex PM Manmohan Singh. These speeches were given on 15th August and are 10 years apart,i.e, PM Modi's speech is from 2022 and the other speech is from 2012.

Data Source

Both the speeches are stored in .txt format with their source being: PM Modi speech ex PM Manmohan Singh speech


The code is available in .ipynb format and is available at: Google Colab link


The output of the analysis is given below, the first image is the output of Manmohan Singh's speech:

We can see that the speech of Manmohan Singh talks about introducing new schemes and focusing on development, security, work,and villages etc. On the other hand Narendra Modi talks about new resolution, one nation , looking forward, remembering the country's old heritage and talks more about the countries potential.

Data Visualization using Python


We will be using pandas, matplotlib, seaborn for the analysis of the data.


The data-set being used is of crime in India from 2001 - 2014, it is the same data-set which is used for tableau. Its data description is given on the home page.

Code and Output

The code is available in .ipynb format and is available at: Google Colab link and Google Colab link 2


In the above embeded code we can also see the output of the programs. In total we have created 6 graphs using python for the dataset.Each of the output is explained below in order of output generation:

  1. Number of Crimes by Crime Type
  2. It is a plot of Number of crimes on the Y axis vs Year on the X axis. The legend shows the crime type using different colors.

  3. Breakdown of Crimes by Type in Maharashtra
  4. The chart is plotted between Year on the X axis and Number of crimes on the Y axis. The chart shows the different types of crimes taking place Maharashtra over 2001-2014.

  5. Number of Crimes by State and Year
  6. It is a heatmap of state vs year with the legend showing the gradient for number of crimes on the right.

  7. Number of Crimes by Year
  8. Here we have the Number of crimes on the Y axis and Year on the X axis.The visualization is done using scatter plot.

  9. Total Number of Crimes by Year
  10. Here we have the Number of crimes on the Y axis and Year on the X axis.The visualization is done using line chart with a marker.

  11. Total Number of Crimes by State
  12. Here we have the Number of crimes on the Y axis and state on the X axis.The year is represented using legend on the right.


  1. Word Cloud Documentation
  2. Tutorial Point
  3. Youtube link for word cloud
  4. Seaborn Documentation
  5. Roja Achary github reference
  6. Jake github reference
  7. Milaan github reference